Description of the study population
The study was carried out on 70 subjects testing the Beauty Booty diet supplements. 91.4% of the respondents where women and 8.6% were men. The product supplied by the producer was most frequently used by people aged 18-30 (41.4%). The second most numerous group were people aged 31-40 (27.1%). The least studied group included people over the age of 56 (5.7%).
The people taking part in the study were asked to say how much time a week they spend doing some physical activity. 44% of the respondents is physically inactive, 20% spends 2 hours a week exercising, 3% exercises 2-4 hours a week, 4-7 hours – 19% and 14% devotes over 7 hours a week to physical exercise.

Most respondents declared in the questionnaire that they had been using the Beauty Booty diet supplement for over 4 weeks. 25.7% had been using it for 15-28 days.
85.7% of the subjects declare taking the capsules every day. 12.9% use the Beauty Booty diet supplement a few times a week and 1.4% of the respondents take them a few times a month.
87% of the respondents take 3 capsules a day, 4.3% admit to taking them more than 3 times a day. On average, 1.4% of the subject take fewer than 1 capsule a day.
Out of those who took part in the study, 70% declare that their body weight is within the norm, 10% is overweight, 7% is underweight and 13% don’t know their body weight.
The subjects were asked to point to the changes which they subjectively observed from the moment they started using the diet supplement Beauty Booty. 79.2% noticed a change in the firmness of their buttocks, 65.7% observed that their buttocks had lifted, 82.9% observed a change in the roundness of their buttocks, 74.3% noticed their buttocks had become more sculpted, 5.7% of the respondents did not observe any of the changes above.
The changes listed above were noticed after 14-30 days of taking the Beauty Booty diet supplement. 37.1% of the subjects noticed the changes between the first and the second week of the supplement treatment.
In the next question, the respondents were asked if they had any fat rolls on their buttocks. Almost 66% of them confirmed having them. These same people were asked to give a subjective assessment of the influence of using the Beauty Booty diet supplement on the fat rolls. 73.9% of the respondents said that using the Beauty Booty diet supplement had a positive influence on the fat rolls. The rest of the people questioned failed to observe any influence in that respect. None of the respondents pointed out a negative effect of the Beauty Booty diet supplement on the occurrence of fat rolls on the buttocks.
Subsequently the subjects were asked if they had cellulite on their buttocks. 70% of the respondents declared having cellulite on their buttocks. The people who declared having cellulite on their buttocks were asked for a subjective assessment of the influence that the Beauty Booty diet supplement had on the occurrence of cellulite. 77.6% of the respondents stated that using the Beauty Booty diet supplement had a positive influence on cellulite. The remaining respondents did not observe any influence. None of the respondents observed a negative influence of using the Beauty Booty diet supplement on the occurrence of cellulite on their buttocks.
48.6% of the respondents answered that from the moment they started using the Beauty Booty diet supplement there had been a change in the structure/volume of the fatty tissue on their buttocks. 42.9% did not observe such changes.
When the respondents were asked to assess the effectiveness of Beauty Booty as a supplement changing the structure or volume of the fatty tissue on the buttocks, the most frequently given grade was 5 [on a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being the highest effectiveness]. 31.1% of the subjects rated the supplement as ineffective in the influencing the structure/volume of the fatty tissue on the buttocks.
92.4% of the respondents are satisfied or very satisfied [grades 5 and 6, respectively, on a scale from 1 to 6, 6 being the highest level of satisfaction] with the results of using the Beauty Booty diet supplement.
The respondents were asked to give an overall rating of the effectiveness of the Beauty Booty diet supplement. 78.6% of the subjects gave the diet supplement the highest grade [6, on a scale from 1 to 6], 12.9% gave the supplement a rating of 5, 2.9% – 4, grades 3 and 2 were both given by 1.4% of respondents and 2.9% rated the supplement as ineffective, giving it the lowest rating – 1.
85.7% of the subjects regarded the legibility of the label as high.
94.3% of the respondents would recommend the Beauty Booty diet supplement to another person.